Wax on, wax off. . .


We are going to explore skincare and beauty regimes that keep it real and simple. Powdering the skin is essential before waxing, especially in Summer here in Australia. What is your secret? And how do you feel about fake beauty?

#nofakery :)


  1. I am in on this beauty routine. i love to explore when it has to do with beauty. So I'm ready to wax off.

  2. I don't have any. I even just start taking care my skin when I was 38 (few years ago). Fake beauty? well, let me think it for a day ^^

  3. It is nice post on how to explore skincare things. Although, I am not too much in support of fake beauty.

  4. Skincare is very useful for everybody. Everyone should take care of himself. Powdering the skin before is very essential before waxing as it helps in reducing pain.

  5. Your skin looks so fresh with the powder and waxing. Gotten another mystery of waxing now.

  6. I guess pondering the skin before maxing is good to protect the skin during maxing. I don't think there is fake beauty everybody is beautiful in their own way.

  7. I don't really have issues with fake or real beauty. just be good looking then I will be great with you.

  8. I am happy to read about skincare secret and how it can make one glow as Maye musk. To look beautiful is a good thing. Thanks for sharing this

  9. Thank you mam for sharing such a great tips. I will try to implement in my daily life to make myself better .

  10. I dont buy into fake beauty. Going through the normal skincare routine is it for me.

  11. Thank you again all of you for showing up on my blog. Really very blessed to have such supportive friends <3


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